This is the first blog post on the Both And website and I am testing this out to see if it looks usable, but I would also like to use this as a little journal entry since I don’t want dummy test taking up my precious bandwidth.
Today is February 23, 2024 and the Both And website is (a)live with the sound of music. For better or worse. It’s nice to have a navigation menu that doesn’t disappear into the top of my phone.
I have thought for a while about what I want this blog to be, and I have decided it’s going to be whatever I want. Tips for coaches, tips for creators, and even tips for me that I just find valuable. I might even throw an opinion or two in here from time to time. I envision having guest writers and collaborators in here as well so as we grow, so will the fire-power of our contributors.
What I don’t want this to be is the artificially generated, indolently created, and hardly anticipated source of weak swill that is circulating the content space. We might not have much time before the ChatGPTs and Geminis of the world compose 99.9% of the content that we consume, so I am going to commit to the absolute prohibition of purely artificially generated content on this site.
That seems like enough words for a test run so I will just leave it at that.